Where We Play

We build pop-up arenas that put play and social impact at the center, from the 48th floor in NYC to unexpected locations like music festivals, museums, parliaments, botanical garden and a horse training facilities in the desert. We call the arena the Herstory Arena.

Spaces Shapes Behavior 

This dynamic space will redefine the experience of sporting events, with the potential to:

  • Create a unique fan and player experience and engagement: Transform social norms, empowering both players and fans to actively participate.

  • Unlock new opportunities: Facilitate the creation of unique partnerships between sporting events and brands, attracting diverse demographics. It has the potential to attract more women and families, expanding the reach of sporting events.

  • Beyond the event: Inspire decision-makers and city planning to better serve community needs and optimize existing urban spaces while introducing policymakers and urban planners to the Global Goals.

Play for Progress: Transforming City Spaces for Women's Health and Equality

Our cities often fail women. Public spaces lack safety features and inclusivity, discouraging women from participating in sports and recreation. This limits their physical and mental well-being, leadership opportunities, and overall sense of community. Our events tackles this challenge by aligning with the UN Global Goals 3, 5, and 11:

  • Global Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: By encouraging physical activity and social connection through sports, we promote physical and mental well-being for women.

  • Global Goal 5: Gender Equality: Through inclusive sports programs, we combat discrimination and create opportunities for women's leadership in public spaces.

  • Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: We advocate for safe and accessible public spaces redesigned to encourage women's participation in sports and community activities.