Our Play Method

Through playful competition and a unique point system, our play method fosters lasting friendships and empowers teams to advocate for change within their communities. It's the joy of teamwork combined with real-world impact.

Choose purpose & play: All teams qualify to participate by picking a Global Goal. Playing for something bigger than yourselves inspires teams to do more and reach higher.

Build trust & play off the field: Play also means spending time together outside the field. Players jointly set objectives, develop unique approaches to amplify the Global Goal, create uniforms and find innovative ways to engage their fans/crowd.

Speak up & build community: All players are required to speak for the team’s Goal publicly, on social media and on game day. This builds confidence and the teams get a chance to learn from each other and support each other. 

Create safe & inclusive sports spaces: All players are part of creating a safe space to play. Creating a space that makes all players, staff and audience feel safe is key for every league season and is everyone’s responsibility. 

Sensational Players: Decision-Makers on and Off the Field

"There are 3-5,000 decision-making opportunities in a single football match," says Jackie Bachteler, First Assistant Coach at San Diego Wave. "Match-like situations are crucial for facilitating the transfer of learning—from training to game day to real life."

On the football field, every decision creates space. This constant process of positioning, conquering challenges, and scoring goals mirrors the choices we make in life. Just like on the field, we use quick thinking and strategic movement to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

Football is also about creating space for yourself and your teammates. Think of that perfect pass that cuts through the defense, or the well-timed run that opens up a scoring opportunity. This teamwork translates beautifully to the world around us.

We become decision-makers when we have the courage to take and create space on and off the field.

How will you use your courage to create space for positive change? Will you advocate for a cause you believe in? Will you use your skills to uplift others?

The possibilities are endless.


    70% of participants reported they are committed to continuing playing football.


    73% of participants expressed strong interest in continuing with the same team.


    7 months after participating, 94% remain active players on their original teams!